Un bracelet pour les hommes célibataires (et les femmes aussi)

A bracelet for single men (and women too)

Today, many relationships start on the Internet. When you open a dedicated dating app, the possibilities seem endless. Sorting out the "who might or might not" profiles, having fun with the colorful personalities that can be found on dating sites, this is a distraction appreciated by many people.

But it's not a panacea when you're looking seriously. After months, you may still be single, after deleting your profile, recreating one, trying your luck elsewhere... You're going in circles, maybe you've given up accepting date for fear of being disappointed again, despite the injection of dopamine that can result from discovering an interesting new profile. It's almost sad.

But there is another way. See what happened to Michelle Preston, a 37-year-old divorcee. 3 years ago, she started using dating apps following her divorce. At first, she finds them amusing. We find many matching profiles for her, all these gentlemen agree to chat with her online, but she doesn't get an appointment. Disappointed, she decides to launch a new movement that aims to break the trend of Internet dating. She called it the Offline Movement, le mouvement hors-ligne in French.

Bracelets for singles

Miss Preston sells silicone wristbands that say "Move >>Offline" in white print. For insiders, this male and female bracelet signifies that its wearer is single and open to an approach. She first launched her bracelet in her city, in Bellevue, but she is now targeting 6 major American cities: Los Angeles, Atlanta, Chicago, Miami, San Francisco and Portland.

The idea is that you can wear this bracelet anywhere,” said its designer, acknowledging that it was simply a Livestrong bracelet with a different message . “This is not a wristband that is only meant to be worn in hangouts such as bars or nightclubs. You can wear it during all your favorite activities. This tool helps identify singles who are open to a relationship, but are fed up with dating sites and apps, like me.»

The idea of ​​creating this bracelet for men came to her after she decided to stop using these sites and applications. Finding herself then alone in the real world, she recounted her misadventures on her blog. The problem with approaching someone in real life is that you have little or no way of knowing if that person is free, or if they are interested in a relationship. .

"Wouldn't it be great to be able to walk into a coffee shop and immediately know who's free or not," she thought to herself. A singles wristband would be very helpful in avoiding "technical denials" and encouraging authentic social interactions.

A bracelet whose idea is not new

However, this idea is not new. Throughout history, single people have used distinctive signs to communicate their marital status. For example, during the very puritanical Victorian era, women used a very discreet code to send signals to their suitors. A woman who held her fan in her left hand signaled that she was "eager to meet new people". Sliding the fan on the cheek was a declaration of love. For decades, the handkerchief has been widely used in the gay community to send availability codes. Among young people who frequent nightlife circles, bracelets are also often used to indicate each other's sexual desires.

This is a subtle piece of jewelry,” said Miss Preston. "If someone recognizes the bracelet, they are able to understand that you don't like internet dating and the many fake profiles and storytellers that populate Facebook and the like, which helps break the ice. You know this person is available and wants to find a real connection.»

The oldest remember the period during which dating sites did not exist. For young people, this movement could be an opportunity to discover it. To conclude, a small paradox: the offline movement has its website. And, of course, you can buy your bracelet online.

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