Le scumbro, nouveau « style » vestimentaire à la mode

The scumbro, a new fashionable clothing "style"

You're not the kind of guyto want to go to great lengths to dress up your style, but you still want to be fashionable. Then a new trend is made for you: the scumbro. If you tend to like colors and uncertain combinations, this new fashion is tailor-made for you!

What is scumbro?

This is a disparaging term that was coined by Vanity Fair. At Esquire, we talk about sleazelord. How to summarize this trend in a few words? With the scumbro, the fashion follows the precepts of the Bible, and in particular the passage "the last shall be first". Either those who are the worst dressed will be at the forefront of fashion.

When dressing badly becomes an art

The object of the game is simple. It is even innate in some of us. It consists in associating the most improbable clothes. For example, branded pants with an inexpensive multi-colored jacket. Among the proud representatives of this trend is Pete Davidson. Ariana Grande's sweetheart is widely considered the Emperor of s Scumbros. Whether you find him in or not, you have to admit that his look does not go unnoticed. T-shirt with logo, sneakers, skater hoodie, jogging and Canadian lumberjack shirt: you have to be damn sure of yourself to show off with such a look.

It goes with the stars

But it's not just him. Just look at how Justin Bieber dresses. He may be armored for the next 10 generations, but he dresses like a broke teenager who spends his life on the ramps skateboarding. The advantage with this style is that it suits everyone. No matter your morphology, your size, your build… the scumbro style is so destroyed that it will highlight any individual… or not. It's not just men who can dress up as scumbro, these ladies can also let loose. Ideal for enjoying a royal peace in a box.

The scumbro, an economical style of clothing

Finally, playing scumbro has a great advantage, that of not costing too much. By looking through your old clothes, for example a sweater that you bought too big because a little too quickly… by deliberately mixing styles, you too can become a real scumbro. It's the same rule for accessories, you can wear any men's bracelet, any necklace, with your sleazelord gear. Buy the cheap men's bracelets from our online store to complete your look, no worries!

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