La mode homme qui devrait s'imposer à l'automne

The men's fashion that should prevail in the fall

The heat wave has given way to more pleasant temperatures in France. The opportunity to remind us that the summer, without really drawing to an end yet, is already well underway. Which means that autumn is getting closer and closer. Does your male wardrobe need a refresh on the warmer clothes shelves? Here are the trends that should drive menswear in the coming weeks.

Casual is here to stay for men

The casual is a major trend in men's fashion in recent years. Having had the privilege of being able to dress well without wearing uncomfortable outfits, men want to keep this privilege. As the fashion director of a Dallas designer boutique put it, "the casual trend is a bullet train, you won't stop it, just like you can't put it back. toothpaste in the tube. Guys aren't ready to give up their sweaters and snickers. » There is, however, greater demand for casual chic, made to measure.

At Bijoux4Men, you will find a vast collection of men's bracelets and other masculine jewelry to assert this casual look while making it more sophisticated.

Leopard and black, big fall trends

Also according to this fashion director, the leopard, "which goes with everything", should make its big comeback on the men's fashion scene next fall. Ditto for black, especially the pants. Bold colors should also be popular for sweaters, men's shirts and long-sleeved t-shirts, especially red and yellow.

Unisex is gaining ground every year

The unisex trend is developing in many areas, whether in terms of perfumes for men, hairstyles, jewellery and clothes. As far as men's fashion is concerned, it is beginning to adopt finer fabrics which were once reserved for women's creations. Some cuts are also similar to those adopted by the clothes of these ladies.

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